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I'm on the Radio. You're Invited...

What a difference a year makes...


This time last year I was waiting to hear the outcome of a five year journey with my old employers about whether I would be medically discharged after being injured on duty.

My life was at a standstill. I wasn't going backwards, but I wasn't moving forwards either. I felt uncertain about my future and until all the lose ends of my past were tied up I was stuck.

Now that all feels like a distant memory. I am my own boss, with the freedom to work from anywhere in the world, with clients from all corners of the world.

This new way of living, and this new found freedom certainly takes some getting used to, especially the part of being visible on line and on social media.

I'm still not comfortable with it, but I can't fulfil my dreams of helping as many people around the world if they don't know I exist.

So I decided to get myself 'out there' - well in the way of social media at least.

I think regardless of how much work we do on ourselves, or no matter how many layers we peel back and discard each new level of success and progress has it's own challenges. Nobody told me when I started this journey of self-discovery and self-healing that it was a rollercoaster and there was no getting off point!

So the only option is to keep going. That's what I do, and that's what you must do too, because if you want more success, if you want to live a more meaningful life and make your dreams a reality you have to do what it takes, and keep going.

I've had so many challenges and tough times in my life, at the time I felt like giving up, I felt broken by them, but I always found that bit of strength I needed to keep going and I'm glad I did. Every time I didn't give up I achieved what I wanted.


With each new challenge comes new opportunities and experiences.


Growing a business from scratch is not for the faint hearted and many times it's felt hard, but I kept going and doing what it takes. I'm glad I did. Last week I received a phone call, (I could say out of the blue, but it's not if I consider all the hard work behind the scenes) from a guy in NYC asking me to do a live interview for a Radio station!

Am I excited? Absolutely.

Am I scared? You'd better believe it.

This is a perfect example of peeling back the layers and meeting new fears and challenges. Saying yes to new opportunities takes courage. It requires the Art of refusing to allow your inner negative fearful dialogue to take over. It's no different for me.

This week my monkey mind is saying things like 'What if you sound stupid?' 'What if you stumble your words?' 'What if you get it wrong?' 'What do you have to say that someone wants to hear?'... The difference is I absolutely refuse to listen, I refuse to allow this fear to dictate and stand in my way.

If I stumble my words so what, I'm human. I can't get it wrong, there is no wrong or right. I can't sound stupid, I'm going to talk about what I love. If someone doesn't want to hear what I have to say, they can turn the radio off...

My live interview is on Wednesday 29th November 2017 at 1016am EST, 1516hrs (3:16pm) UK, 2316hrs (11:16pm) Perth, W.A

I'd love if you could join me... just click on the link below


Until then here's to becoming the best version of yourself!


Sorcha McAloon is a Success Coach who was a former Police Officer in N. Ireland, and through her own transformation of childhood traumas and injury sustained on duty, Sorcha changed her life and took a very different direction.

Now she is a Hypnotherapist, Rapid Transformational Therapist, Advanced Emotional Freedom Technique and Matrix Re-imprinting Practitioner.

Her clients hail from all corners of the globe as she works over Zoom as well as Face to Face.

Sorcha specialises in working with high achieving women who feel stuck and frustrated and don’t know how to take the next step to creating a life they want. She helps these women to believe in themselves and have more confidence to go after what they really want. She can help you too become the best version of yourself.

You can contact Sorcha directly by emailing


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